Phrase by 'James H. Clark'

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The Internet is not just one thing, it's a collection of things - of numerous communications networks that all speak the same digital language.

Author: James H. Clark - American Scientist
  Internet , Language , Computers , Speak

No matter how much Bill Gates may claim otherwise, he missed the Internet, like a barreling freight train that he didn't hear or see coming.

Author: James H. Clark - American Scientist
  Internet , See , Matter , Train

I'd say there was a fair amount of skepticism at the time about whether the Internet held any promise. And of course I felt that it did.

Author: James H. Clark - American Scientist
  Internet , Time , Say , Fair

My wife's an Australian and a very competitive lady, and she wants to sail in Sydney-Hobart. I say, 'We have the boat, do as you wish.' I'll let her run the show.

Author: James H. Clark - American Scientist
  You , Wish , Wife , Lady

I have a policy that I get to spend as much on myself as I give away.

Author: James H. Clark - American Scientist
  Myself , Get , Away , Policy

It's very hard to explain to people who don't program, but the object-oriented programming system made programming the Mac and iPhone so easy.

Author: James H. Clark - American Scientist
  People , Easy , Hard , IPhone

Social media companies are a gold rush today, and time will tell if they survive. I have no use for them and can't see why people waste time on them. I much prefer physical meeting with true friends, so have never used the service.

Author: James H. Clark - American Scientist
  People , Time , Today , Social Media

The Beatles were great, but Beethoven and Mozart were phenomenal. Both will be remembered for centuries, but it will always be clear which were most in touch with the soul of humanity.

Author: James H. Clark - American Scientist
  Will , Great , Soul , Humanity

People spend money on sports, and I just don't do golf, I hate it. But I love sailing and the technology aspect.

Author: James H. Clark - American Scientist
  Love , Money , Sports , Technology

Stanford did a lot for me, and I've always felt indebted. It was a lenient and productive environment.

Author: James H. Clark - American Scientist
  Me , Always , Did , Environment

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