Phrase by 'Deborah Harkness'

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Witches are the kind of more traditional, home and family, craft people - so they're the ones who are making things; crocheting shawls and things like that. But then they also have that slightly confident, dangerous, edge. I always see them as having very extreme hair, either amazingly beautiful straight hair or kind of wild.

Author: Deborah Harkness - American Novelist
  People , Family , Home , Beautiful

I'm entranced by Amanda Lovelace's work. She wrote two wonderful books, 'The Princess Saves Herself in This One' and 'The Witch Doesn't Burn in This One.' You can feel your heart opening because she says things that you thought only you felt.

Author: Deborah Harkness - American Novelist
  You , Work , Heart , Feel

A lot of our assumptions of the world are fairly cynical, fairly negative, and assume the worst. What our reading tastes show - in this rush to fantasy, romance, whatever - is that we actually still want to believe in a world of possibility, in a world of mystery.

Author: Deborah Harkness - American Novelist
  World , Reading , Believe , Negative

Magic provides a way of still having room for possibilities, an unlimited sense of what the world offers. Magic is always there when science is found wanting.

Author: Deborah Harkness - American Novelist
  Science , World , Way , Magic

We live in a world where we think the mysterious is retreating farther and farther from our lives and eventually we will know all there is to know. I love the idea that somehow, there are still things that can be magical.

Author: Deborah Harkness - American Novelist
  Love , Know , World , Think

I never had a plan to be a fiction writer. It's something that happened to me. Sometimes I think maybe it was my spectacular mid-life crisis. Some people buy expensive cars, and I wrote a novel.

Author: Deborah Harkness - American Novelist
  Me , Sometimes , People , Think

There is a lot of talk in the academy about the death of the humanities. Based on my readers' response and their interest in history and literature and art, the death of the humanities has been grossly overstated.

Author: Deborah Harkness - American Novelist
  Literature , History , Art , Death

Once upon a time, about 10 years ago, I thought maybe I could write a mystery series about a midwife in Elizabethan England. I had an elaborately convoluted title and an elaborately convoluted plotline, and at that point I got stupendously bored.

Author: Deborah Harkness - American Novelist
  Time , Mystery , Thought , Bored

The plain truth is that the period I study is the 16th century, and they were absolutely obsessed with witches and spiritual beings.

Author: Deborah Harkness - American Novelist
  Truth , Study , Spiritual , Truth Is

I really love helping students and helping them empathize with people who lived a really long time ago. That's one of the highlights of working in fiction.

Author: Deborah Harkness - American Novelist
  Love , People , Time , Long

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