Phrase by 'Charlie Worsham'

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I had a long, long time to make 'Rubberband,' and I originally thought that that record would last two years. Once I got over realizing that that's not gonna happen, and sort of got my perspective back, I realized, 'Man I'm really fortunate. I get to write music, make music for a living.'

Author: Charlie Worsham - American Musician
  Music , Time , Man , Perspective

I kind of feel like I didn't have much choice. The songs... the playing... those were the only things that ever really kept my attention.

Author: Charlie Worsham - American Musician
  Feel , Like , Attention , Choice

I feel like I am in turbo mode as a student of entertainment.

Author: Charlie Worsham - American Musician
  Feel , I Am , Student , Entertainment

I'm flattered anytime someone has taken enough time to listen to me and make a connection to someone else, honestly. I feel very lucky that a lot of my influences are the ones that people will tweet to me that I remind them of.

Author: Charlie Worsham - American Musician
  Me , People , Time , Feel

When I'm at home or in the studio, I have a 1963 Martin. It's a D-28, and I love that guitar. I write on that guitar, and it's the first guitar that I put a pickup in and ran through an amplifier, splitting the signal to the amplifier and a DI or in the studio mic'ing it traditionally and putting an amp in the other room.

Author: Charlie Worsham - American Musician
  Love , Home , Guitar , Room

My favorite thing about guitar, and the thing that always drew me to it when I was first learning to play it, was those moments when you think you know what it might sound like, but you don't, and then you hit it, and it's a total surprise. You hear it with really fresh ears. Alternate tunings, for me, they give that back.

Author: Charlie Worsham - American Musician
  You , Me , Learning , Guitar

I resolved to start journaling every day, and so far I've been journaling every day, and it's been great.

Author: Charlie Worsham - American Musician
  Day , Start , Great , Every Day

I don't have any weird night rituals. I definitely am a ritualistic person... I like to go downstairs and remind my roommate-drummer not to practice early the next morning, so I can sleep in.

Author: Charlie Worsham - American Musician
  Morning , Sleep , Night , Practice

I build an entire fort out of pillows. I need at least four pillows. I need on each side, I need one normal usage pillow for the back of my head, and I need another pillow just in case.

Author: Charlie Worsham - American Musician
  Back , Need , Build , Side

I was at Home Depot with my dad looking for paint when I got the call to open for Taylor Swift. That was wild, because I was crying in Home Depot, and people were looking at me funny.

Author: Charlie Worsham - American Musician
  Me , People , Home , Funny

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