Phrase by 'Bhumibol Adulyadej'

Warning: We collect thousands of phrases from different public resources. We are not responsible for any incorrect content or inaccurately information related to the phrases we collect on our website. Famous phrases, proverbs, short phrases, phrases from kids. Phrases about friendship, love, cinema, family, humor, motivation, mindfullness, improvement, life and much more. Our only goal is to offer you these phrases as an inspiration so that you can make unique dedications, express your thoughts and emotions or share on your social networks. Enjoy our content.

It is useless to live on burned ruins.

Author: Bhumibol Adulyadej - Statesman
  Live , Useless , Ruins , Burned

Having an election with only one candidate running is impossible. This is not a democracy.

Author: Bhumibol Adulyadej - Statesman
  Only , Democracy , Impossible , Election

Bangkok is a toilet without a flush.

Author: Bhumibol Adulyadej - Statesman
  Without , Toilet , Bangkok , Flush

I want to see peace in the country.

Author: Bhumibol Adulyadej - Statesman
  See , Want , Peace , Country

I became inspired while I was listening to music on the radio. I felt the music in my head sounded better, so I turned off the radio and scribbled it down on a piece of paper. I remember that it was in May. People liked that song. They said it was beautiful. I felt overjoyed.

Author: Bhumibol Adulyadej - Statesman
  Music , People , Song , Beautiful

My mother praised me when I did something good, and then the next moment, she would say, 'Don't float.' She put me in a balloon and then pricked it.

Author: Bhumibol Adulyadej - Statesman
  Me , Moment , Good , Mother

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