Phrase by 'Trudi Canavan'

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Inspiration comes from so many sources. Music, other fiction, the non-fiction I read, TV shows, films, news reports, people I know, stories I hear, misheard words or lyrics, dreams... Motivation? The memory of the rush I get from a really good writing session - even on a bad day, I know I'll find that again if I keep going.

Author: Trudi Canavan - Australian Writer
  Music , Day , Good , Dreams

'The Magician's Apprentice' was about someone from the low end of society manifesting magical power and how that completely messes up the balance of the whole system.

Author: Trudi Canavan - Australian Writer
  Society , Power , Someone , Balance

I still recommend reading travel guides as an insight to a traveller's perspective on fantasy worlds. Nearly all characters end up travelling at some point, and they have many of the same needs and concerns covered in travel guides.

Author: Trudi Canavan - Australian Writer
  Reading , End , Travel , Perspective

I have always been fascinated by the supernatural elements in stories, whether fairy tales, myths, film or literature.

Author: Trudi Canavan - Australian Writer
  Always , Literature , Film , Fairy

The first rule of world-building is available physics, which basically means that if you want it to feel real, it has to follow the same rules as this world, from gravity to how human behaviour works. If you have a fantasy element that doesn't obey the laws of physics, make sure that it has a fantasy explanation.

Author: Trudi Canavan - Australian Writer
  You , Feel , World , Physics

I always love writing the third book in a series because you get to tie up all the threads that you put out in the first two books. You finally let people know what really happens and reveal all the secrets and bring certain characters together.

Author: Trudi Canavan - Australian Writer
  Love , You , People , Together

'The Black Magician Trilogy' was about a conflict between countries and was very limited and almost claustrophobic in its range of settings, while 'The Age of the Five' was about a conflict between continents.

Author: Trudi Canavan - Australian Writer
  Black , About , Conflict , Age

I don't have any specific plans to return to the 'Age of the Five.' If I do, it won't be a sequel.

Author: Trudi Canavan - Australian Writer
  Age , Any , Return , Plans

I wound up studying art and design, got a job at Lonely Planet Publications as a designer, cartographer and illustrator.

Author: Trudi Canavan - Australian Writer
  Art , Job , Studying , Design

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