Phrase by 'Nick Kyrgios'

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I play enough tennis during the year; I'm sick of it by the time I get home. So the last thing I want to do is go out there and hit more balls.

Author: Nick Kyrgios - Australian Athlete
  Time , Home , Sick , Enough

I love just being in Canberra and being with my family, being with my friends.

Author: Nick Kyrgios - Australian Athlete
  Love , Being , Friends , Family

I just serve big and play big. That's my game style.

Author: Nick Kyrgios - Australian Athlete
  Game , Big , Play , Style

Hiring a trainer has been a massive help for me.

Author: Nick Kyrgios - Australian Athlete
  Help , Me , Been , Trainer

I love to go out and have fun, but I'm not all about partying, so that's a perfect place for me to get away from tennis with my friends. I think Canberra is the best place in the world.

Author: Nick Kyrgios - Australian Athlete
  Love , Me , World , Best

I think at times I get treated a bit unfairly, but then so do other athletes in Australia, and I feel like things can change.

Author: Nick Kyrgios - Australian Athlete
  Feel , Think , Change , Australia

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